Last night Dean & I officially started our vacation. We went with some friends to a wine pairing dinner. There were 6 of us & we had such a good time. The wine was good & so was the food. We'll definitely do it again. When the dinner was over we went & had a drink at Monjunis. Of course I had a wedding cake martini. They are soooo good! Suzy had never had one but she definitely enjoyed it! This is me & Suzy.

Today Dean & I went to Scott & Lydia's to see Logan. He was in a good mood & we played for awhile. He finally let me rock him to sleep & we just laid in the recliner. He's sooo sweet. Logan loves when his Nonk holds him because he's so high up!
He tolerates me & all my hugs, kisses & squeezes!
I was shocked at this.

That little black blob on Dean's leg is Scott & Lydia's dog, Baxter. Dean is not an animal person much to my dismay. I've been trying to talk him into a puppy but so far nothing. Maybe he's starting to soften. A couple of years ago he would hardly look at a dog much less pet one & be a pillow for one!
Logan was ready for the Saints game!
We're watching the game now & there's a minute left. SAINTS WIN 45-14!!!!! That town is going to be WILD tonight!!!
I also finished the book Water For Elephants that I was reading for the real book club. The circus people were much better than the squirrel people but it still wasn't something I would've chosen to read. I was trying really hard to finish the book before we leave on our cruise. I always like to read something fun & light when I'm on vacation. Which reminds me that I need to gather up some books & magazines.
This will probably be my last post until we get back. There's internet access on the boat but it's kinda pricey. So Toodles for a week!!
That's the cutest baby I've ever seen... Love his momma :)