After the Zhu Zhu ordeal I went to mama's. She had Logan & he'd just woken up from his nap when I got there. Perfect timing! He's so fun! He thinks his Tante is hilarious!!!!

Last night was our friends Christmas party. They live next door so that was great. No travel time & when you get tired you just walk across the yard & go to bed. They had a DJ that we had a lot of fun with. This is me & Courtney either before or after Brass Monkey!!!

This is Kitzia, Me, Suzy, Courtney & Sheri somewhere between Tricky & Sweet Caroline!!!

I've learned that iPhones take better pictures than Blackberries.
While at the party it was brought to my attention that one of my neighbors who has a little girl (she's an only child) has 2 pet RATS! Why Why Why??? This is completely stressing me out. The kid is like 8. All I can think of is that they're going to get loose. Crawfish & frogs in the pool, armadillo's in the landscaping & raccoons hanging out are one thing but I CANNOT HANDLE RATS!!!! This is just really disturbing to me. I just really have to question the sanity of a person that buys rats for their daughter & good grief, what little girl wants rats as pets???
Today Dean & I had visitors. Allison was coming over to get the Zhu Zhu's. She brought Cael, Amanda & Bode along with her. Cael was intrigued with all of my Christmas decorations. Magic the Elf even made an appearance which was hilarious! I always love to see Cael because this kid LOVES me! I don't know why but he does. When he got out of the car he came running at me like he was going to tackle me & gave me the best hug & a kiss! He's so sweet!!

The boys were in a trance watching Finius something or other on TV.

We're watching the Saints game. They're losing at the moment but it's still very early. I have to say it's kind of nice to watch a game & not have the added stress of worrying about how our fantasy team is doing. I hope they win but I'm still not fully convinced that they aren't going to do something Saintly to blow everything they've accomplished this season. And what's all this "Special Edition of Thursday Night Football"? Why can't they just say "Saturday Night Football"??? It's ridiculous.
Who Dat!!!
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