I only worked a half day Thursday. When I left work I went & did some shopping. Thursday night I went to dinner with my friends, Sheri, Jackie, Dawn & Wendy. Wendy & her family are moving to Jacksonville next week so this was our farewell dinner. This is Jackie & Wendy.

Dean & I both took off Friday. We went & did a little shopping & then I started wrapping presents. I went next door to Amelia-Ann's Christmas party. I had a lot of fun! We had hot chocolate & snacks while all the girls made gingerbread houses & played the white elephant game.
Here are the girls.

The girls really enjoyed the game. There was a lot of stealing going on!!!

After that party we went to Central for my office party. My friend Aaron & his wife Brandi hosted it. They have a new house & it was very nice. We play the white elephant game too. Dean got a Snuggy & I got a bag full of Avon bath & foot stuff.
Saturday I wrapped somemore & then hosted the "Worst Book Club Ever" party. We had a great time & had great food as usual! I made a crab dip that I had for the first time Wednesday night at the other book club party. It's sooooo good & easily the easiest thing I've ever cooked. All you do is take 2 cans of crab meat (not the lump crab meat, the cheap stuff) & mix it with a 2 blocks of cream cheese & bake it. I add some sort of cajun seasoning & that's it. Everyone thought it was really good.
This morning I taught Sunday School. We had a few new kids this week. Not the best behaved bunch but we still had a good time. It's so funny how the Sunday School lesson leads to the most random conversations from these kids! I wrapped & wrapped today & I can finally see the end of the pile!!
Have a good Monday!!
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