Friday, February 6, 2015

Finally Friday!

I don't really feel like this has been a slow week but yet all day Wednesday I thought it was Thursday so that makes it a little longer.

It stopped raining Wednesday afternoon so I was able to go for a run when I got home. I prefer to go in the morning but it's been cold. While I would much rather run in the cold than the heat, this year the cold seems to be getting to me much more than normal. Hence the after work run. 

5K in 35:22. That's slow, even for me but I got it done.

Thursday morning I rode my bike before work. I really love the trainer thing. I do need to get the office cleaned out so I can move it in there. Currently it's sitting part way in the living room & part way in the kitchen so that I can watch TV while I ride. Not ideal. Especially since I'd like to leave it set up since it's cold. Of course there's no TV in the office so that's a problem too. I'd like to put a TV in there but that requires another receiver from Directv.Something else to figure out. 

One of the blogs I read is  Mommy Run Fast. She's hosting a 5 by the 5th where you run either a 5K or 5 miles by the 5th of each month & there are prizes! I did 5 miles Sunday afternoon. Guess what? I won a Spibelt! 
prize spibelt
This morning I was supposed to get up & do weights. That didn't happen. I couldn't make myself get out of bed. I didn't even get up at my regular, non workout time of 5:30. I haven't been sleeping well the last month or so but this week has been better. 
I went to the Allergist the other day & had allergy testing done. I was surprised by the outcome. I'm allergic to dust mites & mold & had a slight reaction to pollen. I was really expecting much more. So I'm taking new meds & have been given strict instructions to cover my mattress, box springs & pillows with covers. My Doctor said they work great. We'll see I guess.
The most exciting thing happening this weekend is that my chair and a half will be delivered tomorrow. What about y'all? Anything fun planned?


  1. Was the allergy testing awful?? Glad there are just a few things you were allergic to and not a lot! We don't really have plans at all other than going to Costco after church on Sunday. ;)

  2. Congrats on winning the belt, Traci. I hope the weather gets better cause I want to plant some flowering plants in the front yard cause we are selling our house and there is no curb appeal....Christine
