Wednesday, August 19, 2009


In my last post I mentioned that my friend Wendy & I are going to have a team in Allison's Fantasy Football League. We're still trying to come up with a name. We have a few ideas that we're tossing around but we're open to suggestions! Everyone has their own system of drafting their team. The first year my friends Allison & Jill joined the league they went strictly by head shots. Then they moved on to a "No Saints" policy. Wendy & I know about football so I don't think we'll have to resort to the head shot thing but we each have a strategy that we feel strongly about. I guess maybe it isn't really a strategy, more of a stipulation. Wendy absolutely refuses to have Brett Favre on our team & I refuse to have any thugs. I don't care how good they are. If at any point there's a chance that they won't play because they've shot someone & been arrested I don't want to deal with them. Commissioner Ian (he's graduated from being Pimp Ian) has sent me all the rules so I've been reviewing them. It should be fun!

Last night I made a run by Hobby Lobby & I bought a "B". A few weeks ago when I was shopping I saw these great looking letters & immediately took a picture & sent it to Allison. She'd been looking for an "H". She loved it as much as I did. The only problem was I couldn't think of a place to hang it in my house so I didn't buy it. Odd for me. I usually buy & then worry about where it will go. Saturday night I saw that Allison hung hers above her back door. I stole her idea & decided to hang mine above my pantry. I've been looking for something to hang there for ages so I'm not sure why I didn't think of it before. I went to Hobby Lobby after work yesterday to get it. Everyone knows I love getting a deal & hate paying regular price for stuff so of course I'd printed a 40% off coupon from Hobby Lobby's website. The letters were $24.99 but there was a big sign that said $19.99. I asked someone that worked there & being the helpful person she was, she informed me "that's the wrong sign" & walked off. Hmm. I get my "B" & go to check out. There's a little supervisor lady by the register so I asked her about it. She said it doesn't matter if the sign is wrong they have to honor the price. WOOO HOOO!! After my coupon I paid $13 with tax. What a deal! I love how it looks. Here's a pic



    Pretty In Pink continues to have a "No Thug" policy when drafting for Fantasy!!

  2. I want an "L". I must get one of those for the house. No Thug is HARD CORE. We are gonna rock that joint and beat the guys.
